Mourning the Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, A National and World Hero
Today is a sad day for our nation. I have long admired and respected Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but it wasn’t until today, the day after her passing, did I realize all she has done for the lives of women and all those who have faced discrimination over the last half century. It is likely accurate to say she has done more for women in this country than any other single person. We mourn her loss, but as she said herself, “So often in life, things that you regard as an impediment turn out to be great, good fortune.” - RBG, Makers Interview, 2012. By remembering her amazing legacy, and striving to be more like her, we may honor her life, her work and her legacy.
“…you will do something outside yourself… something that makes life a little better for people less fortunate than you." — Stanford Memorial Church, 2012.
Today, and each day, let us strive to make life better for those around us. Let us lay down our differences, come together and support each other. It is no doubt that 2020 has been one of the most difficult years our nation has faced. Let RBG’s legacy help support us, and help us restore our great country’s health and harmony.
This year, I have lost another great woman in my life, and through her amazing strength, she also made the world a better place. Let us all strive to do the same.
In loving memory of a great woman I have never met, but has positively affected so many, including myself.
-Leann Silhan